Self-care Tipsss -- What personally gets me through...


Hey Babes! It’s a new year and I have been doing my due diligence of setting new goals, talking to God about where I want him to take me this year (if it be in his will) and of course, trying to remain consistent in blogging as well as YouTube

For me personally, self-care is something I live by-- it’s what keeps me grounded and gives me that extra push to remain motivated in all that I do. With that being said, I wanted to share some of the things that I do for my own personal self-care. These things came with me learning about myself more, so as I get older, I intentionally try to find my triggers and find the reasons why I do the things that I do because self-awareness is huge for me!


The number one thing that I do for my own personal self-care is of course prayer + reading the bible. I have learned that when I don’t read the word, it has a really weird effect on me. Reading the word helps me remember God’s promises, and the type of life that we have the right to live-- simply stated, when you don’t eat, you starve. So prayer and reading the Bible is something that I implement into my everyday self-care routine. 


A second self-care tip I implement into my life is going to therapy. Many of you may have read on my Instagram that I officially started going to therapy exactly one year ago. I knew I needed therapy because my anxiety was going a little bit crazy, the business and the job were getting a bit overwhelming, and I just had a lot going on in my life. One bad habit I had was bottling up everything I was feeling and holding it in. I’m the kind of person that doesn’t want to burden anyone with my feelings or emotions, so I thought holding them all in would be the better solution (of course I later found out that was definitely not the best decision). Until recently, therapy hasn’t been something people have been very vocal about-- it was basically seen as “you’re crazy.” It’s a normal thing, and I’ve come to realize we all could use it.


Working out is something that I have to do in order to feel right. Not only is it good for me health wise, but when you feel good-- you look good. For me, I’ve noticed when I don’t workout, I tend to  feel sloppy and gross-- it affects everything I do. So I’ve learned, not only do I workout just to look good, but I also workout because it’s an act of discipline and keeps me aligned.


Many of you may not know this, but I’m an introvert, so I tend to feel the most energy when I’m alone. Although I am able to function in large crowds, my recharge time is my alone time. So having designated alone time, is a self-care tip that I live by, and it’s something that I’ve learned I need to do to be able to function. 


My next self-care tip is something that I think a lot of people don’t truly realize how serious it is. Surrounding yourself with the right people-- this is huge! A lot of times we hold ourselves back because we’re either holding on to friendships and people who are not apart of this season, and it blocks the rest of whatever it is that we may have going on. I personally believe in seasonal friendships-- there are things in life that happen to where God brings people together for a certain period of time, and when that phase is done, then that’s just it. So don’t be afraid to let go of things in your life that no longer serves a purpose. 


The last really important thing from a self-care perspective is being mindful of what you consume and when. Whether it’s the music you consume or the things you watch on TV-- if it triggers you and you’re in a certain season, get rid of it! Whatever the case may be, just knowing where you are, and watching what you consume in that season is huge! 

Those are just a few of my self-care tips that I personally do, if you guys have any self-care tips that I should try out or that others should try out, leave me a comment below! #SelfCareMatters   

LifestyleJaLisa Vaughn